
Module for graph-based classes

Module Contents

class Laplacian(similarity: Callable, weighted: bool = True, definition: str = 'norm_sym', mode: str = 'fully_connected', threshold_key: str = 'upper', threshold_value: float = 1.0, neighbours: int = 10)

Graph Laplacian from a dataset

  • similarity (Callable) – Metric function that defines similarity between vertices. Should accept a data matrix \(n \times f\) as input and return an \(n\times n\) similarity matrix. Additional required parameters can be passed via a lambda function.

  • definition (str) –

    Type of Laplacian

    • 'simple': Laplacian matrix for simple graphs \(L = D - A\)

    • 'norm_sym': Symmetric normalized Laplacian \(L^{sym} = I - D^{-1/2} A D^{-1/2}\)

    • 'norm_rw': Random walk normalized Laplacian \(L^{rw} = D^{-1} L = I - D^{-1}\)

  • mode (str) –

    How to calculate adjacency from the similarity matrix

    • 'fully_connected' is fully-connected, so \(A = S\)

    • 'eNeighbour' is the epsilon neighbourhood, with \(A_{ji} = 0\) if \(S_{ij} > upper\) or

    \(S_{ij} < lower\); for eNeighbour an upper or lower boundary needs to be set

  • threshold_key (str) – 'upper' or 'lower', defining the type of threshold for the epsilon-neighborhood

  • threshold_value (float) – Boundary value for the epsilon-neighborhood

  • neighbours (int) – Number of nearest neighbors to be considered for adjacency definition. Currently not implemented

_normalized_symmetric_L(A: heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray) heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray

Helper function to calculate the normalized symmetric Laplacian

\[L^{sym} = D^{-1/2} L D^{-1/2} = I - D^{-1/2} A D^{-1/2}\]

A (DNDarray) – The adjacency matrix of the graph

_simple_L(A: heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray)

Helper function to calculate the simple graph Laplacian

\[L = D - A\]

A (DNDarray) – The Adjacency Matrix of the graph

construct(X: heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray) heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray

Callable to get the Laplacian matrix from the dataset X according to the specified Laplacian


X (DNDarray) – The data matrix, Shape = (n_samples, n_features)