Writing Heat Documentation

In order to maintain proper, uniform and understandable API documentation of Heat, a few style guidelines are enforced. The following sections summarize the key features of Heats API documentation.


The Heat documentation is build using Sphinx (Version 3.0.3), with a custom derivation of the Sphinx-RTD-Theme (defined in _static/css/custom.css). There are three main colors available for formatting:

  • Orange: RGB(240, 120, 30)

  • Grey: RGB(90, 105, 110)

  • Blue: RGB(0, 90, 160)

All configurations regarding the documentation build are set in doc/source/conf.py. API Documentation is generated using the sphinx-autoapi extension . This is done via custom templates, defined in source/_templates/autoapi/python.

To build the documentation locally please run the following commands in the Heat home directory:

  • pip install -r doc/requirements.txt

  • sphinx-build -T -E -b html doc/source doc/build/html

The second command will build a local rendering of the documentation in the doc/build/html/autoapi folder. These should be checked before creating pull requests

Docstring Guidelines

Dostrings are written using the NumPy Documentation style (see sphinx-contributions napoleon ). Apart from that, formatting happens via reStructuredText (reST). For a full reference on reST see here

Docstring Content

  • Write clear on concise docstrings, especially in the function and parameter descriptions

  • Use type hints for:

    • Parameters

    • Return types

  • Cross-referencing of major Heat classes (DNDarray, Communication, Device, data_type)

    • Import major classes directly (e.g. from .dndarray import DNDarray, from .devices import Device)

    • In descriptions, use cross references when useful (full module path with tilde): :class:`~heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray` or :function:`~heat.core.arithmetics.add`

    • use from __future__ import annotations for module internal crossreferencing: see e.g. `naive_bayes/gaussianNB.py: partial_fit

  • In narrative form always refer to DNDarrays as array and not as tensor. The latter is exclusively reserved for PyTorch tensors.

  • Use code-style markdown to annotate functions, parameters or globally defined variables (e.g. None, True, NotImplementedError etc.) in description texts.

  • Math-style markdown can be used to typeset formulas

Docstrings Format

Method Template

The following example shows the standard formatting of a function docstring

def foo(x: DNDarray, y: str, k: int = 0) -> DNDarray
A description of the function behaviour and return value (not the type): What does the function do?
Any additional information can be given here, either in narrative form or in bullet points like such:
 * Item 1 \n
 * Item 2 \n

x : DNDarray
    Parameter desription of x
y : str
    Parameter description of y. Can be either 'a', 'b' or 'c'
k : int, optional

Notes on the function should be given in the "Notes" section (not in the function description

[1] Webpage references \n
[2] Paper references.  \n
[3] Do not use indentations at linebreaks for a reference

Warnings on the function should be given in the "Warnings" section (not in the function description

If the function raises any "unexpected" Errors/Exceptions that the user might not be aware of, these should be
mentioned here. This does not include standard exceptions like type errors from input sanitation or similar

See Also
Referencencs to other functions can be given here (e.g for aliasing)

>>> import heat as ht
>>> T = ht.array([[1,2],[3,4]], dtype=ht.float)
>>> ht.add(T, 2)
tensor([[3., 4.],
        [5., 6.]])
>>> T + 2
tensor([[3., 4.],
        [5., 6.]])

For classes, the docstring goes right under the class definition (as opposed to in the __init__ function). This way, all attributes that are passed for class initialization are documented properly, with type and default value annotation

Parameter Definitions
  • Defaults are defined in the function Parameters

  • Shape definitions go at the very end of the Parameter description in the following format: Shape = (x, y, …)

  • For classes, the initialization parameters are defined as section Attributes

  • Different Parameter types are separated by or, not commas

  • For detailed instructions on type hints for parameter and return type annotation (such as Union, List, Tuple, etc.) See typing (PEP 484)

  • Examples should only be separated by empty lines, if there is a clear distinction between the two example types. Note that every empty line in the examples will create a new example code block. This is fine for 2-3 separated blocks, but do not separate 15 different examples into individual blocks.

  • There must not be a colon after Examples

  • No comments in the examples (on number of processes or what the example shows). Put these in coding examples under Notes