
Provides parallel random number generators (pRNG)

Module Contents

get_state() Tuple[str, int, int, int, float]

Return a tuple representing the internal state of the generator. The returned tuple has the following items:

  1. The string ‘Threefry’,

  2. The Threefry key value, aka seed,

  3. The internal counter value,

  4. An integer has_gauss, always set to 0 (present for compatibility with numpy) and

  5. A float cached_gaussian, always set to 0.0 (present for compatibility with numpy).

normal(mean: float | heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray = 0.0, std: float | heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray = 1.0, shape: Tuple[int, Ellipsis] | None = None, dtype: Type[heat.core.types.datatype] = types.float32, split: int | None = None, device: str | None = None, comm: heat.core.communication.Communication | None = None) heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray

Returns an array filled with random numbers from a normal distribution whose mean and standard deviation are given. If std and mean are DNDarrays, they have to match shape.

  • mean (float or DNDarray) – The mean of the distribution.

  • std (float or DNDarray) – The standard deviation of the distribution. Must be non-negative.

  • shape (tuple[int]) – The shape of the returned array, should all be positive. If no argument is given a single random sample is generated.

  • dtype (Type[datatype], optional) – The datatype of the returned values. Has to be one of float32 or float64.

  • split (int, optional) – The axis along which the array is split and distributed, defaults to no distribution.

  • device (str, optional) – Specifies the Device the array shall be allocated on, defaults to globally set default device.

  • comm (Communication, optional) – Handle to the nodes holding distributed parts or copies of this array.

See also


Uses the standard normal distribution


Uses the standard normal distribution


>>> ht.random.normal(ht.array([-1,2]), ht.array([0.5, 2]), (2,))
DNDarray([-1.4669,  1.6596], dtype=ht.float64, device=cpu:0, split=None)
permutation(x: int | heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray) heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray

Randomly permute a sequence, or return a permuted range. If x is a multi-dimensional array, it is only shuffled along its first index.


x (int or DNDarray) – If x is an integer, call heat.random.randperm. If x is an array, make a copy and shuffle the elements randomly.

See also

heat.random.randperm for randomly permuted ranges.


>>> ht.random.permutation(10)
DNDarray([9, 1, 5, 4, 8, 2, 7, 6, 3, 0], dtype=ht.int64, device=cpu:0, split=None)
>>> ht.random.permutation(ht.array([1, 4, 9, 12, 15]))
DNDarray([ 9,  1, 12,  4, 15], dtype=ht.int64, device=cpu:0, split=None)
>>> arr = ht.arange(9).reshape((3, 3))
>>> ht.random.permutation(arr)
DNDarray([[3, 4, 5],
          [6, 7, 8],
          [0, 1, 2]], dtype=ht.int32, device=cpu:0, split=None)
rand(*args: List[int], dtype: Type[heat.core.types.datatype] = types.float32, split: int | None = None, device: heat.core.devices.Device | None = None, comm: heat.core.communication.Communication | None = None) heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray

Random values in a given shape. Create a DNDarray of the given shape and populate it with random samples from a uniform distribution over \([0, 1)\).

  • d1 (List[int,...]) – The dimensions of the returned array, should all be positive. If no argument is given a single random samples is generated.

  • d2 (List[int,...]) – The dimensions of the returned array, should all be positive. If no argument is given a single random samples is generated.

  • (List[int,...]) – The dimensions of the returned array, should all be positive. If no argument is given a single random samples is generated.

  • dn (List[int,...]) – The dimensions of the returned array, should all be positive. If no argument is given a single random samples is generated.

  • dtype (Type[datatype], optional) – The datatype of the returned values. Has to be one of float32 or float64.

  • split (int, optional) – The axis along which the array is split and distributed, defaults to no distribution.

  • device (str, optional) – Specifies the Device the array shall be allocated on, defaults to globally set default device.

  • comm (Communication, optional) – Handle to the nodes holding distributed parts or copies of this array.


ValueError – If there are negative or not-integer convertible dimensions given or if the passed dtype was non-floating point.


>>> ht.rand(3)
DNDarray([0.1921, 0.9635, 0.5047], dtype=ht.float32, device=cpu:0, split=None)
randint(low: int, high: int | None = None, size: int | Tuple[int] | None = None, dtype: Type[heat.core.types.datatype] | None = types.int32, split: int | None = None, device: str | None = None, comm: heat.core.communication.Communication | None = None) heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray

Random values in a given shape. Create a tensor of the given shape and populate it with random integer samples from a uniform distribution over \([low, high)\) or \([0, low)\) if high is not provided.

  • low (int) – Lowest (signed) integer to be drawn from the distribution (unless high=None, in which case this parameter is one above the highest such integer).

  • high (int, optional) – If provided, one above the largest (signed) integer to be drawn from the distribution (see above for behavior if high=None).

  • size (int or Tuple[int,...], optional) – Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., \((m, n, k)\), then \(m \times n \times k\) samples are drawn. Default is None, in which case a single value is returned.

  • dtype (datatype, optional) – Desired datatype of the result. Must be an integer type, defaults to int32.

  • split (int, optional) – The axis along which the array is split and distributed, defaults to no distribution.

  • device (str, optional) – Specifies the Device the array shall be allocated on, defaults to globally set default device.

  • comm (Communication, optional) – Handle to the nodes holding distributed parts or copies of this array.

  • TypeError – If one of low or high is not an int.

  • ValueError – If low >= high, dimensions are negative or the passed datatype is not an integer.


>>> ht.randint(3)
DNDarray([4, 101, 16], dtype=ht.int32, device=cpu:0, split=None)
random_integer(low: int, high: int | None = None, size: int | Tuple[int] | None = None, dtype: Type[heat.core.types.datatype] | None = types.int32, split: int | None = None, device: str | None = None, comm: heat.core.communication.Communication | None = None) heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray

Alias for heat.random.randint.

randn(*args: List[int], dtype: Type[heat.core.types.datatype] = types.float32, split: int | None = None, device: str | None = None, comm: heat.core.communication.Communication | None = None) heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray

Returns a tensor filled with random numbers from a standard normal distribution with zero mean and variance of one.

  • d1 (List[int,...]) – The dimensions of the returned array, should be all positive.

  • d2 (List[int,...]) – The dimensions of the returned array, should be all positive.

  • (List[int,...]) – The dimensions of the returned array, should be all positive.

  • dn (List[int,...]) – The dimensions of the returned array, should be all positive.

  • dtype (Type[datatype], optional) – The datatype of the returned values. Has to be one of float32 or float64.

  • split (int, optional) – The axis along which the array is split and distributed, defaults to no distribution.

  • device (str, optional) – Specifies the Device the array shall be allocated on, defaults to globally set default device.

  • comm (Communication, optional) – Handle to the nodes holding distributed parts or copies of this array.

See also


Similar, but takes a tuple as its argumant.


Accepts arguments for mean and standard deviation.

  • TypeError – If one of d1 to dn is not an integer.

  • ValueError – If one of d1 to dn is less or equal to 0.


>>> ht.randn(3)
DNDarray([ 0.1921, -0.9635,  0.5047], dtype=ht.float32, device=cpu:0, split=None)
>>> ht.randn(4, 4)
DNDarray([[-1.1261,  0.5971,  0.2851,  0.9998],
          [-1.8548, -1.2574,  0.2391, -0.3302],
          [ 1.3365, -1.5212,  1.4159, -0.1671],
          [ 0.1260,  1.2126, -0.0804,  0.0907]], dtype=ht.float32, device=cpu:0, split=None)
randperm(n: int, dtype: Type[heat.core.types.datatype] = types.int64, split: int | None = None, device: str | None = None, comm: heat.core.communication.Communication | None = None) heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray

Returns a random permutation of integers from \(0\) to \(n - 1\).

  • n (int) – Upper, exclusive bound for the integer range.

  • dtype (datatype, optional) – The datatype of the returned values.

  • split (int, optional) – The axis along which the array is split and distributed, defaults to no distribution.

  • device (str, optional) – Specifies the Device the array shall be allocated on, defaults to globally set default device.

  • comm (Communication, optional) – Handle to the nodes holding distributed parts or copies of this array.


TypeError – If n is not an integer.


>>> ht.random.randperm(4)
DNDarray([2, 3, 1, 0], dtype=ht.int64, device=cpu:0, split=None)
random(shape: Tuple[int] | None = None, dtype: Type[heat.core.types.datatype] = types.float32, split: int | None = None, device: str | None = None, comm: heat.core.communication.Communication | None = None)

Populates a DNDarray of the given shape with random samples from a continuous uniform distribution over \([0.0, 1.0)\).

  • shape (tuple[int]) – The shape of the returned array, should all be positive. If no argument is given a single random sample is generated.

  • dtype (Type[datatype], optional) – The datatype of the returned values. Has to be one of float32 or float64.

  • split (int, optional) – The axis along which the array is split and distributed, defaults to no distribution.

  • device (str, optional) – Specifies the Device the array shall be allocated on, defaults to globally set default device.

  • comm (Communication, optional) – Handle to the nodes holding distributed parts or copies of this array.


>>> ht.random.random_sample()
>>> ht.random.random_sample((3,))
DNDarray([0.30220482, 0.86820401, 0.1654503], dtype=ht.float32, device=cpu:0, split=None)
ranf(shape: Tuple[int] | None = None, dtype: Type[heat.core.types.datatype] = types.float32, split: int | None = None, device: str | None = None, comm: heat.core.communication.Communication | None = None)

Alias for heat.random.random.

random_sample(shape: Tuple[int] | None = None, dtype: Type[heat.core.types.datatype] = types.float32, split: int | None = None, device: str | None = None, comm: heat.core.communication.Communication | None = None)

Alias for heat.random.random.

sample(shape: Tuple[int] | None = None, dtype: Type[heat.core.types.datatype] = types.float32, split: int | None = None, device: str | None = None, comm: heat.core.communication.Communication | None = None)

Alias for heat.random.random.

seed(seed: int | None = None)

Seed the generator.


seed (int, optional) – Value to seed the algorithm with, if not set a time-based seed is generated.

set_state(state: Tuple[str, int, int, int, float])

Set the internal state of the generator from a tuple. The tuple has the following items:

  1. The string ‘Threefry’,

  2. The Threefry key value, aka seed,

  3. The internal counter value,

  4. An integer has_gauss, ignored (present for compatibility with numpy), optional and

  5. A float cached_gaussian, ignored (present for compatibility with numpy), optional.


state (Tuple[str, int, int, int, float]) – Sets the state of the random generator to the passed values. Allows to select seed and counter values manually.

  • TypeError – If and improper state is passed.

  • ValueError – If one of the items in the state tuple is of wrong type or value.

standard_normal(shape: Tuple[int, Ellipsis] | None = None, dtype: Type[heat.core.types.datatype] = types.float32, split: int | None = None, device: str | None = None, comm: heat.core.communication.Communication | None = None) heat.core.dndarray.DNDarray

Returns an array filled with random numbers from a standard normal distribution with zero mean and variance of one.

  • shape (tuple[int]) – The shape of the returned array, should all be positive. If no argument is given a single random sample is generated.

  • dtype (Type[datatype], optional) – The datatype of the returned values. Has to be one of float32 or float64.

  • split (int, optional) – The axis along which the array is split and distributed, defaults to no distribution.

  • device (str, optional) – Specifies the Device the array shall be allocated on, defaults to globally set default device.

  • comm (Communication, optional) – Handle to the nodes holding distributed parts or copies of this array.

See also


Similar, but accepts separate arguments for the shape dimensions.


Equivalent function with arguments for the mean and standard deviation.


>>> ht.random.standard_normal((3,))
DNDarray([ 0.1921, -0.9635,  0.5047], dtype=ht.float32, device=cpu:0, split=None)
>>> ht.random.standard_normal((4, 4))
DNDarray([[-1.1261,  0.5971,  0.2851,  0.9998],
          [-1.8548, -1.2574,  0.2391, -0.3302],
          [ 1.3365, -1.5212,  1.4159, -0.1671],
          [ 0.1260,  1.2126, -0.0804,  0.0907]], dtype=ht.float32, device=cpu:0, split=None)