
Create a sperical dataset.

Module Contents

create_spherical_dataset(num_samples_cluster, radius=1.0, offset=4.0, dtype=ht.float32, random_state=1)

Creates k=4 sperical clusters in 3D space along the space-diagonal

  • num_samples_cluster (int) – Number of samples per cluster. Each process will create n // MPI_WORLD.size elements for each cluster

  • radius (float) – Radius of the sphere

  • offset (float) – Shift of the clusters along the axes. The 4 clusters will be positioned centered around c1=(offset, offset,offset), c2=(2*offset,2*offset,2*offset), c3=(-offset, -offset, -offset) and c4=(2*offset, -2*offset, -2*offset)

  • dtype (ht.datatype) – Dataset dtype

  • random_state (int) – seed of the torch random number generator

create_clusters(n_samples, n_features, n_clusters, cluster_mean, cluster_std, cluster_weight=None, device=None)

Creates a DNDarray of shape (n_samples, n_features), split=0, and dtype=ht.float32, that is balanced (i.e. roughly same size of samples on each process). The data set consists of n_clusters clusters, each of which is sampled from a multivariate normal distribution with mean cluster_mean[k,:] and covariance matrix cluster_std[k,:,:]. The clusters are of the same size (quantitatively) and distributed evenly over the processes, unless cluster_weight is specified.

  • n_samples (int) – Number of overall samples

  • n_features (int) – Number of features

  • n_clusters (int) – Number of clusters

  • cluster_mean (torch.Tensor of shape (n_clusters, n_features)) – featurewise mean (center) of each cluster; of course not the true mean, but rather the mean according to which the elements of the cluster are sampled.

  • cluster_std (torch.Tensor of shape (n_clusters, n_features, n_features), or (n_clusters,)) – featurewise standard deviation of each cluster from the mean value; of course not the true std, but rather the std according to which the elements of the cluster are sampled. If shape is (n_clusters,), std is assumed to be the same in each direction for each cluster

  • cluster_weight (torch.Tensor of shape (n_clusters,), optional) – On each process, cluster_weight is assumed to be a torch.Tensor whose entries add up to 1. The i-th entry of cluster_weight on process p specified which amount of the samples on process p is sampled according to the distribution of cluster i. Thus, this parameter allows to distribute the n_cluster clusters unevenly over the processes. If None, each cluster is distributed evenly over all processes.

  • device (Optional[str] = None,) – The device on which the data is stored. If None, the default device is used.